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FAFSA School Support

FAFSA Corrections: Third-Party Servicer Support

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced deferral of batch corrections for the 2024-25 FAFSA. Read the announcement here.

The Department is making support available for institutions—prioritized by need and volume of corrections—via third-party Servicers (TPS) to assist in manually processing corrections through FAFSA Partner Portal (FPP). This support is in addition to any assistance schools are already receiving from a TPS. No direct-to-school funding is available for this initiative.

The Department authorized ECMC to contract with known TPS to provide verification/correction services to participate in this initiative. Currently, NASFAA/Blue Icon, FAS, Inceptia and ProEd will be providing technical assistance for institutions.

The request process for this support is now closed. Thank you.