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FAFSA Student Support Strategy

The 2024-25 FAFSA application cycle has brought substantial changes to the student financial aid application process, a new application form, new eligibility criteria, new terminology, new requirements for parents and other contributors and a shorter timeline for applicants to submit the FAFSA. As a result, the U.S. Department of Education believes that students and families need additional support, advice and encouragement to complete the FAFSA form and enroll in college. 

The goal of the FAFSA Student Support Strategy is to increase the number of students who complete a 2024-25 FAFSA and enroll in college, particularly first-time students.

ECMC will support these activities by providing funds to organizations with experience in providing these or similar services.

High-Level Scope

ECMC will use federal fund resources to increase support for FAFSA submission through the following activities:

  • Expanding the availability of advisers, counselors and coaches to support students and contributors through the FAFSA applications, including extended hours during evenings, weekends and the summer weeks.
  • Hosting recognition programs to incentivize cities and school districts to meet numeric targets for FAFSA submission, such as exceeding last year’s rate.
  • Hosting FAFSA submission clinics, including through partnerships with schools and districts where appropriate.
  • Expanded data-sharing intended to increase the completion of the 2024-25 FAFSA.
  • Communicating with parents to help them complete their portion of the form via text, phone calls and videoconferences, in multiple languages as needed.
  • Conducting outreach to students and families via phone calls, social media, text messages emails, paid advertising campaigns and other means.

Request Funds

To request funds, click here and fill out the form.

NOTE: The funds allocated for the FAFSA Student Support Strategy are nearly fully deployed; the funding application will be closed at 5 p.m. Central time on Tuesday, July 2.

FAFSA Support Awardees

To learn more about participating organizations, click here.